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The Odyssey | Article Myriad

Today's Date:
December 16, 2024

Posts tagged "The Odyssey"

The Role of Women in The Ecclesiastical History of the English People by Bede

Throughout Bede’s “Ecclesiastical History of the English People” the role of women is quite limited, both in terms of presence in the actual history as well as in their daily lives. Although the history in “The Ecclesiastical History of the  →

Review and Summary of “The Trojan War: A New History” by Barry Strauss

In his recently published book, “The Trojan War: A New History”, author and historian Barry Strauss takes a subject that has been written about extensively, both in history books and in literary narratives, and attempts to breathe new life into  →

The Theme of Revenge in Medea and The Odyssey

Crime, punishment, and revenge are central themes in both Medea, the Greek play by Euripides and “The Odyssey” by Homer.  When comparing “The Odyssey” to “Medea” there are significant plot differences between the two ancient texts, much of the action  →

Hospitality in The Odyssey and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

In both “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “The Odyssey” by Homer, hospitality one of the vital social customs that allows for open communication in a non-threatening manner that offers established patterns of behavior and norms. In both cultures  →

Food Imagery and Temptation in The Odyssey

Throughout “The Odyssey” by the Greek poet Homer, images of food feature prominently in a range of scenes and serve as a more general statement about temptation in The Odyssey by Homer. While feasting with guests and at celebrations was a  →

The Narrow Role of Women The Odyssey by Homer

Although “The Odyssey” by the Greek poet Homer is very much an epic tale of a man’s heroic quest, women play an incredibly large role. Homer’s epic tale, “The Odyssey” revolves around Ulysses’ quest to return back to his wife, Penelope,  →

Father and Son Relationships in The Odyssey by Homer

There are certain obvious facts that are known about the nature of father-son relationships in Homer’s most famous epic poems, “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” before the reader even enters the texts. The reader knows, for instance, that the structure  →

Masculinity and The Warrior Culture of The Iliad by Homer

Throughout The Iliad by Homer, one of the most important aspects of society is warfare. In fact, not only are the ongoing wars at the center of the plot and action in the text, but warfare itself is one of the strongest  →