Today's Date:
February 22, 2025

Posts tagged "The Essential Adam Smith"

Analysis and Summary of “Principles of Political Economy” by John Stuart Mill

The author of “Principles of Political Economy” and other important works on economics, John Stuart Mill was one of the most noted philosophers and political thinkers of the 19th century.  He was a staunch advocate of the philosophy of utilitarianism, which  →

Analysis and Summary of “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money” by John Maynard Keynes

The 1930s were a desperate time.  National economies were struggling and depressed, and many feared monetary collapse.  It was at this time, in 1936, that John Maynard Keynes published his best-known and most influential work, The General Theory of Employment,  →

Comparison of Marx and Locke : Views on Government, Property and Labor

It could easily be argued that without some of the theories proposed by John Locke, the later ideas of Marx might not have existed, especially in terms of the function and rights and government. One of John Locke’s primary assertions  →

An Analysis of Select Ideas from Hume’s Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary

David Hume contributed significantly to political and economic thought through his vast collection of writings, including. “Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary” and was one of the leading figures in the emerging Scottish version of the same period of Enlightenment that was sweeping  →