Today's Date:
December 16, 2024

Posts tagged "Sexual Harassment"

An Extended Definition of Workplace Sexual Harassment and Some Striking Statistics

There exists a multitude of possible definitions of sexual harassment, particularly as it relates to and creates a hostile or offensive work environment. One of the reasons why defining sexual harassment in the organizational context is challenging is because sexual  →

Types of Workplace Sexual Harassment : Verbal, Physical, Quid Pro Quo and Reasonable Person Standard

When offering a full definiton of sexual harassment in the context of the workplace, there are few elements of any discussion that are cut and dry. There are several distinctions made bewteen the types of sexual harassment that are used and therefore  →

A List of Not So Obvious Things Every Employer Should Know About Sexual Harassment at Work

Addressing the important matter of sexual harassment in their organization should be an absolute priority in the training and policy directions managers and leaders take. The stakes for employers who do not address these issues are quite high and can lead to  →