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Roman Class Structure – Article Myriad //www.articlemyriad.com Insightful commentary on literature, history, the arts and more Thu, 10 May 2018 20:14:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.13 Education in the Roman Empire //www.articlemyriad.com/education-in-roman-empire/ Wed, 07 Dec 2011 06:03:17 +0000 //www.articlemyriad.com/wordpress/?p=2082 Modern education and pedagogical strategies in the West can be traced at least as far back as the days of the ancient Greeks and Romans. The traditions of discussion and debate were core features of classical education, first elevated by the Greek philosophers and then “overlaid with Roman ideas” (Corbeill, 2001, p. 261). The two cultures diverged, however, in their philosophies about why education was important. As Corbeill (2001) has explained, where the Greeks were theoretical, the Romans were practical and preferred a more “hands on” strategy to teaching students as opposed to the Greek education system. Still, despite these differences, education in the Roman Empire as well as for the ancient Greeks was among one of the most important issues in society and great care was taken to debate and implement what were seen as the best approaches.

Education in the Roman Empire was focused on teaching students critical skills that could be directly applied to everyday life. An education should, in the classical Roman view, be valued not only for what it could teach the student about thinking, but also how it could teach the student about living, and, more importantly, how it could teach the student to contribute to society (Corbeill, 2001). The class and social structure of Roman society was uniquely open to this kind of system, both in terms of its organization and society and thus the Roman education system as putting out good citizens was important and fitting. Education in the Roman Empire then, adapted the central values and pedagogies of the Greeks and fit them to their own purpose, which was to mold ideal citizens (Corbeill, 2001). The goals of education in the Roman empire were not so different than what are held as most important in today’s Western society; teach children to think critically and teach them skills that can be applied toward the betterment of their society.

It must first be pointed out that the modern use of the word education is often intended to apply only to formal learning; however, it is clear that in both Greek and Roman culture, education was as much informal—if not more so—that it was institutionalized (Corbeill, 2001). Archaeological and textual evidence hints, for example, about the ways in which songs were used for educative purposes in Greece, a practice that was later adopted in Rome (Corbeill, 2001). Songs, which were often sung at public gatherings, were condensed versions of stories that were intended to perform “historiographic and mythographic” functions, for which the Romans would become famous (Corbeill, 2001, p. 264). The lyrics would not only recount heroic tales for the purpose of mythologizing an individual and his feats, but to hold out his or her qualities and actions as a template which others should follow in order to become model citizens. As such, education in the Roman Empire was not simply relegated to formal book learning, but by these more creative processes as well.

Images also played an important role in education, both formal and informal. The scenes etched onto urns, for instance, served as a way for the Romans to inscribe their stories in pictures, thereby conveying them to a wider audience and one that was not required to be literate (Rouselle, 2001). The characters depicted in such scenes were typically mythical figures and heroes, which served to reinforce knowledge about history and religion, as well as to foster a sense of cultural pride, as was the function with songs. Despite the value that was placed on these artistic productions as a means of performing an educational role, the arts were not, in general, as elevated in the Roman empire as they had been in the Greek empire. As the Roman system began to develop some formality and some structure, Romans exhibited an “unwillingness to support [artistic] endeavors unduly” (Corbeill, 2001, p. 266). Rather, most educational efforts were directed toward practical skill-building, so the teaching of math and the sciences came to be prioritized over music and the other arts (Corbeill, 2001).

Extended Critical Biography of Alexander the Great //www.articlemyriad.com/extended-critical-biography-alexander-great/ Wed, 07 Dec 2011 05:58:53 +0000 //www.articlemyriad.com/wordpress/?p=2078 As historian Carol Thomas points out, writing an authoritative and accurate biography of a figure as ancient and as controversial as Alexander the Great poses significant challenges (9). While there is general congruence among biographies of Alexander the Great regarding the important dates, relationships, and accomplishments that defined Alexander’s life, Thomas notes that students of history and biography should be careful to understand that the nature of many historical accounts is fragmentary, so the work of compiling the history of his life involves the “reconciliation of… disparate evidence” (12).

Of equal importance to the task of forming a critical biography of Alexander the Great is understanding that the authors of biographies and histories always have varied motives for writing about their subjects (Thomas 9). Even the biography and biographical work of those authors who knew Alexander the Great personally should be considered thoughtfully, as Alexander might have exerted influence over the writer to paint a more flattering portrait of him to preserve for posterity and the sake of how he would be presented in history (Thomas 12). By piecing together the varied histories of Alexander the Great’s time into one succinct biography, place, and culture, one can begin to develop an understanding of the man himself and the forces that shaped him as a leader.

With these forethoughts out of the way, one should be begin a biography of Alexander the Great at the beginning; with his birth. Alexander the Great was born in Macedonia in 356 to the Macedonian king, Philip II, and his wife, Olympias (Thomas 12). Alexander’s early home life is believed to have been somewhat turbulent, as the relationship between Philip II and Olympias was neither an easy nor a harmonious one (Fredricksmeyer 300). According to Fredricksmeyer, Philip II was a typical Macedonian man, which is to say that he was a womanizer who viewed marriage not as a romantic commitment but as a political alliance and a strategy to advance his own interests and reputation (300). Despite the fact that the King, Olympias who was Alexander the Great’s father, behavior was not inconsistent with social norms, Olympias apparently found it difficult to accept that she was just one among Philip’s seven wives (Fredricksmeyer 300). The reader of these histories might well surmise that neither Olympias nor Philip was a stable parental figure for the young Alexander.

One reason that has been proposed to explain the jealousy and rage that Olympias exhibited frequently is her anxiety about the right of her son to succeed Philip II (Fredricksmeyer 300). Alexander was not the only potential heir to the throne; Philip had other sons who had an equal claim to stake for rulership. Knowing this, Olympias could hardly contain her fury; she wanted an assurance that Alexander would be the only contender for the royal seat (Fredricksmeyer 300-301; Thomas 92). While it would later become evident that Alexander was the only one of Philip’s sons who had the skills and intellect necessary to guide their people, this was not known at the time and the ambiguity of Alexander’s future was agonizing for Olympias, whose reason for living, it seemed, was to ensure the success of Alexander (Thomas 92).
