There are certain regions of land on our planet, on this soil, on our Mother Earth that simply should not be inhabited. The lands intended purpose was never meant for man to occupy. Barrier Islands for example. For thousands of years scientist have tried to warn man to never build on these islands. The land was meant to be a shield against the forces of nature. They have warned those in positions of power of the possibility of devastation for some time. They have written and documented that within time, the waters will begin to rise and the land will slowly begin to diminish.
Developers and others in construction decided if there was land available, they would build on that land. Money can sometimes move mountains. Even though there are laws, ordinances, resolutions, restrictions, regulations and hundreds of legal guidelines in place to prevent development in some areas, protected land is still being allowed to be developed. Legal limitations are being removed by simply padding a few pockets.
We are now discovering that our intellect and greed is causing us to eradicate the only place we have to live. We have no other option. Once we destroy Earth, life is over. It seems there are some who are blind to the fact that we are manipulating and developing ourselves out of our very environment.
I often hear individuals state that money is the root of all evil. That is simply not correct. Money is fundamental to survival as a tool for fair trade in an economical society. The problem is when the love of money begins to overshadow a rational regard for right and life.
The love of money makes man forget what is reasonable and then begin to forget what is just simply right. No one needs to live off millions of dollars. When you go from thousands to millions, it is time to seek ways to help improve the life for others.
However, when most achieve millionaire level of wealth, they begin to change inwardly; their ideas begin to encompass gaining more wealth. Their desire is usually directly focused on how to obtain more money. It seems that there is never enough.
But, let’s get back to those areas that are not and never were to be in the plan for development. We are now discovering these areas. I live in the area of the Florida Panhandle. We discovered during the aftermath of Hurricane Ivan the devastation a natural disaster can have on the land.
We love living near the water in Florida, but simply put, some areas were never to be developed. These areas were to be maintained as barriers for the purpose of shielding the interior land where man was to live and be shielded from the onslaught of nature. As we have so well found, nature can be ruthless in Florida: awesomely captivating, incredibly stunning, yet immeasurably destructive.