Today's Date:
February 22, 2025

The Arts
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Biography of Marius Petipa : His Life and Work

Marius Petipa is known as the father of modern Classical Ballet and had a career, mostly spent in the Russian Imperial Ballet, that lasted nearly sixty years. Marius Petipa was both a dancer and later a choreographer and is best  →

Analysis and Review of the Film “Nice Colored Girls” by Tracey Moffatt

The film, which is at once almost a documentary and almost a piece of exploitative fiction on film by Tracey Moffatt entitled, “Nice Colored Girls” follows three young women who are Australian aborigines as they are pursued by a white  →

Biography of Martha Graham : Life and Works

The dancer and educational pioneer, Martha Graham, revolutionized the world of dance in the 20thcentury. Not only did Martha Graham take the emphasis off the stiff and conscripted tradition of classical ballet and other dance forms, but also she allowed  →

Gridlocked: An In-Depth Look at the Works of Rem Koolhaas

Rem Koolhaas continues to be a pioneering figure in the arena of urban architecture.  It was this Dutch-born architect that created some of the most thrilling pieces of architecture in the world today.  Rem Koolhaas is still creating buildings that  →

Comparison of Films “Sidewalks of London” and “La Strada” : Leigh and Masina

In many ways, comparing the roles of Vivien Leigh as Libby in “Sidewalks of London” and Giulietta Masina as Gelsomina in “La Strada” is a task that is as different as comparing apples and oranges. While some of the aspects  →

Summary and Analysis of the Film “True Stories” by Rachel Mira Perez

The film “True Stories” by Rachel Mira Perez is quite short, coming in at just under fifteen minutes but is unforgettable and disturbing, not only because of the subject matter itself, but also because the depictions of the thoughts and  →

Giorgio Vasari: Brief Biography and Analysis of Four Major Works

Before examining the major works of Giorgio Vasari, it is necessary to provide a short biography to put his life and paintings in conext. Giorgio Vasari was a skilled painter as well as a brilliant architect and biographer. His achievements  →

Film Review and Analysis of the Documentary “All About Sacramento”

Although many of the base issues in the film “All About Sacramento” are, as the title of this documentary suggests, all about one particular city, the general underlying problems that Braz discusses are national and have an enormous impact on  →

Review and Analysis of the Documentary Film “Transgeneration” by Jeremy Simmons

The film “Transgeneration” by Jeremy Simmons does an excellent job of portraying the social and inner lives of three transgendered college students as they attempt to create and reconstruct their identities, both sexually and socially.  This documentary film “Transgeneration” by  →

Film Analysis of “Heat” (Dir. Michael Mann 1995): DeNiro and Pacino Actor Comparison

 Before even viewing the 1995 film by director Michael Mann, “Heat” starring Robert DeNiro and Al Pacino, there are a number of character types one should already expect to encounter. Any good old-fashioned cops-and-robbers movie, including either old or new  →