Today's Date:
March 26, 2025

The Arts
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Five Horror Movies You Must See This Halloween Season

Every Halloween season people clamor to try to find a scary movie for the Halloween heebie jeebies. With the current state of horror movies, this can often be an exercise in futility.  Scary horror movies can be a great release  →

Reflections on a Night Spent Watching Intervention on A&E On Demand

Okay, so I didn’t just sit and watch one or two episodes of “Intervention” on A&E on Demand. Oh no. In the true spirit of the show, I got addicted and watched every episode available and greedily searched for more.  →

The Influence of the 60s and Psychedelic Music and Culture on Modern Society

Psychedelic music and the culture of the 1960s and the music of the period had an enormous influence and impact on the way we express ourselves in the modern era. Music has always been both a barometer measuring and responding to society’s  →

A Comparison of Classical Representations of the Gigantomachy

In terms of the event described by Hesiod in which the gods and giants battle, the Gigantomachy, there are a number of different almost narrative representations through art  as well as variations in the more general depictions, and placements of  →

The Role of Food in the Film “The Godfather”

Food plays a significant role in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather and in Francis Ford Coppola’s film adaptation of Puzo’s novel. It would be easy enough to dismiss the emphasis on food as a superficial literary or filmic device; however, the persistent references  →

Legend and Narrative: The Story of Sundiata and the Film “The Last Samurai”

Throughout the canon of world literature, it must be distinguished between the prose written in a particular culture and that which is placed in a foreign locale but is distinctly domestic. The story of Sundiata takes place in and around  →

Scandinavian Playgrounds Serve as a New Model for Integrated Design and Social Intent

Scandinavia has offered the West with a unique and often immediately recognizable sense of style and design. Most items or structures that are based on the concept of Scandinavian design have very clean, sharp features and emphasize the need for  →

Comparison and Analysis of Paintings by Mary Cassatt and Georges Seurat

On first glance, the paintings “Susan Comforting the Baby,” by Mary Cassatt, and “Young Woman Powdering Herself,” by Georges Seurat, may seem strikingly similar in theme, mood, color, and content. If the viewer considers the information that “Susan Comforting the  →

You Are What You Listen To : How Musical Tastes Reflect Personality

“You are what you listen to” or so says a growing number of researchers who are seeking to prove that what we listen to reflects us psychologically and developmentally. In fact, there are numerous studies that link musical taste to personality  →

An Extended Definition of Bollywood Cinema

One of the positive benefits of globalization that has been enjoyed in recent years is the diffusion of music, art, and movies from one region of the world to another, thereby widening the audience base for cultural productions that were previously  →