Today's Date:
March 26, 2025

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Review of Asian Women in Film: No Joy, No Luck

Jessica Hagedorn, author of “Asian Women in Film: No Joy, No Luck,” discusses the stereotypical portrayals of Asian women in film. By analyzing several films, she offers four main depictions of the characters: the submissive girl, the “eager-for-sex” nymph, the  →

The Three Worst Films of Sylvester Stallone

Whether you love Sylvester Stallone or absolutely loathe him, you cannot dismiss his impact on movies, particularly in the 1980’s.  Over the course of his career, Stallone has made a number of films that garnered him a huge global fan base, but  →

Bad Movies of the 1990’s: An American Werewolf in Paris (1997)

The 1981 film- An American Werewolf in London- managed to artfully combine the horror genre with comedy.  It was well-crafted, clever, funny and chilling, all at once. I don’t know if the people who made An AmericanWerewolf in Paris were attempting to go for a similar  →

Three of the Worst Moms in Movies

While, typically, mothers in movies have been presented as being noble and self-sacrificing, some movie matriarchs defy such sentimentalism. Their characters are not warm, huggy and sweet, but, often, mean-spirited, self-seeking and scheming. Of course, this makes them a lot more fun  →

Three of the Big Screen’s Best Moms

Mothers have always been popular subjects for movies. In the earlier days of films, moms were chiefly portrayed as being saintly, one-dimensional creatures and, as movies matured, they began to be presented with more depth. There are several “mother-themed” films   →

Five Horror Movies You Must See This Halloween Season

Every Halloween season people clamor to try to find a scary movie for the Halloween heebie jeebies. With the current state of horror movies, this can often be an exercise in futility.  Scary horror movies can be a great release  →

The Role of Food in the Film “The Godfather”

Food plays a significant role in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather and in Francis Ford Coppola’s film adaptation of Puzo’s novel. It would be easy enough to dismiss the emphasis on food as a superficial literary or filmic device; however, the persistent references  →

Legend and Narrative: The Story of Sundiata and the Film “The Last Samurai”

Throughout the canon of world literature, it must be distinguished between the prose written in a particular culture and that which is placed in a foreign locale but is distinctly domestic. The story of Sundiata takes place in and around  →

An Extended Definition of Bollywood Cinema

One of the positive benefits of globalization that has been enjoyed in recent years is the diffusion of music, art, and movies from one region of the world to another, thereby widening the audience base for cultural productions that were previously  →

An Epic Hero in the Film “Pulp Fiction”?

Throughout history, the figure of the epic hero has persisted and although he may take different forms, he generally embodies several key characteristics. For example, an epic hero often is a paragon of some virtue or value that is important  →