Today's Date:
January 08, 2025

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Issues Surrounding the Rights of Prisoners

Throughout history, many have questioned what rights prisoners should be granted and these issues of what rights a prisoner should have come to the forefront of American society and politics in recent months because of the alleged prison abuses in  →

Capital Punishment, Ethics, and Public Opinion

Ethical questions are at the forefront of the debate about the permissibility of capital punishment as both a way of deterring crime and making criminals “pay” for their violent acts against individuals and society. While this is certainly not a  →

An Argument Against Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR)

Americans’ dependence upon petroleum-based energy sources has required the United States to consider a variety of options to fulfill ever-increasing energy needs, even drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). While the federal government and a variety of private  →

Gun Control & Mental Illness : Virginia Tech Case Study

As suggested in this argument in favor of gun control in the United States, our society is increasingly faced with situations that further enhance the idea that guns, particularly in the hands of the wrong people, are responsible for a  →

Argument in Favor of Maintaining the Legal Drinking Age

Many groups make a number of arguments about the state of the current legal drinking age and few seem happy leaving it at 21 where it has been for many years. One of the persistent political and social debates in the argument  →

An Argument in Favor of Allowing Gay Marriage

Making an argument in favor of gay marriage in public is an act that is bound simultaneously win you friends and bitter enemies as the debate is so split and usually so heated on both sides. Still, of the debates  →

Overview of the Reform Party in America

       Just as their name suggests, the Reform Party of America, which is a minor national political party, seeks broad reform of the current United States government. While they do not suggest a complete overhaul of major institutions (Congress, Supreme Court,  →

Preemptive Urban Revitalization: Phoenix and the Valley Metro Rail System

The city of Phoenix and the Valley Metro Rail system offers an interesting case study of preemptive measures aimed at urban revitalization. Urban revitalization programs stretch far beyond simple residential or organizational ideas and in cities with large populations, also involve measures  →

Contemporary Issues Facing Women in the Military

One of the greatest hot-button issues of the century continues to be the evolving role of women in traditionally “male” careers, including the military, science and engineering. Officially speaking, women have been part of the United States Armed Forces since  →

The Criminal Justice System : Police Harassment

Issues of the police force in general and the way it handles internal issues such as discrimination or harassment are important factors in the criminal justice system and news items concerning police harassment frequently invoke discussions on much larger issues.  →