Stone contends that the notion of equality before the law is a myth because despite the intention of the law to serve “even the weakest member of the community” (344) with fairness and dignity, a close look at our legal →
Inducements are used, both formally and informally, to serve as incentives for the targets of a policy to conform to the letter and the spirit of that policy. Inducements are used at many levels of the government. They are offered →
In the field of conflict resolution, especially in the international and political contexts, there have been several theories that have formed the dominant and systematic response to mediating intense disputes between diametrically opposed parties. Most of these psychological and logical →
In his book, Leviathan, Sir Thomas Hobbes contends that the law of nature and civil law contain each other and are of equal extent. What Hobbes means by this pairing of laws that seem, on the surface, to be so different, is →
The United Nations serves as an important international governmental organization for the entire world; however, its weaknesses are almost as numerous as its strengths. The U.N. was established in 1945 by multinational accord with the purpose of avoiding war and conflict →
Had President Bush been more studious during his college years, he might have learned a valuable lesson from his political science professors during discussions of Machiavelli that could have helped him do a better job of justifying the war in Iraq and the →
The individuals who are responsible for developing public policy attempt to achieve two goals simultaneously: equality and efficiency. Although the constructs can be complementary, it is more often the case that equality and efficiency conflict. In order to understand why, →
These important terms help clarify some issues relating to the federal budgeting process in the United States. The ten terms were chosen based on their relevance to the most common budget activities and many of these are terms you hear →
One of the most exciting but also most challenging responsibilities of being a legislator or a jurist involves making changes to the Constitution and constitutional precedents. While the Constitution was written and adopted as a founding document of the United →
The United States owes its rich and diverse history to the constant stream of immigrants from across the globe and despite recent fears about possible dangers involved with open borders, it must be rearticulated that immigrants serve an important host of functions →