Today's Date:
March 26, 2025

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An Analysis of Theories in Science and Applications in Psychology

Before addressing more specific elements related to what comprises a theory, research question or hypothesis, it is useful to state what a theory actually is and how it can be differentiated from a simple idea or concept a scientist or  →

Analysis and Review of The Liberalism of Fear

In her essay, “The Liberalism of Fear,” philosopher Judith Shklar focuses on developing her definition of political liberalism by drawing attention to and exploring the role that cruelty plays in political and social life. Cruelty, writes Shklar, is “the deliberate  →

Analysis of Books V-VII of Plato’s Republic

Plato is a master at examining knowledge and society in books like The Republic, as well as another masterpiece, Meno. Although there are several important connections made between knowledge and justice and how the two operate together within both society  →

Balanced, Non-Ethnocentric Cross-Cultural Mediation in the Era of Globalization

Introduction In the era of massive and rapid globalization, a great deal of attention has been given to respecting the cultural differences of others while also trying to bring the best of all worlds together into one. It seems notable  →

Analysis of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes and Commentary on Political Philosophy

Leviathan was arguably the most important work of the seventeenth century philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In this seminal philosophical text, Hobbes deconstructed the political ideology upon which the foundation for the society in which he lived was constructed. Condensed and interpreted simply,  →

Analysis of On the Heavens by Aristotle : The Argument for an Ordered Universe

In Chapters Four through Fourteen of Book Two of Aristotle’s On the Heavens, the learned philosopher proposes to cut through the haze of persistent ambiguities and mysteries about the nature and function of the universe, declaring “it is well that  →

The Philosophy of Samuel Johnson : Is the State Antithetical to the Community?

In 1806, Samuel Johnson opined that the state is antithetical to the community. In order to defend or refute Johnson’s argument, it is important to understand what these well-worn terms, “state” and “community,” really mean, as the concepts have become  →

The Value of Perception, Personal Philosophy and Inherent Optimism

Bulfinch wrote that the “creation of the world is a problem naturally fitted to excite the liveliest interest of man” (n.p.). Once humans have solved the “problem” of the creation of the world, though, there remains still another problem that  →

The Creationism versus Evolution Argument : An Eternal Stalemate

The debate between people who believe in creationism and those who believe in evolution is not a contemporary conflict. Rather, the divergent beliefs about how the world came into being can be traced at least as far back as Charles  →

Analysis, Review, and Chapter Summaries of “Elements of Moral Philosophy” by James Rachels

“Elements of Moral Philosophy” by James Rachels : Chapter 1 Summary This first chapter of “Elements of Moral Philosophy” by James Rachels begins by attempting to define morality. This is a difficult task since so many possible and rival definitions  →