Today's Date:
March 09, 2025

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The Subaru Plant and the Principles of Green Engineering in Practice

The first principle of green engineering according to Anastas and Zimmerman (2003) is perhaps the most all-inclusive and for the long-term, one the most valuable of the twelve offered. It states that “Designers need to strive to ensure that all  →

Review and Analysis of Planet of Slums by Mike Davis

The author of the 2006 book, Planet of Slums, Mike Davis, is a noted historian and social commentator who is often concerned with the effects of industrialization on societies, the nature of the urban landscape (particularly in the context of  →

Reimagining Communities: Technology, Truth and Shifting Consciousness

In his text Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origins and Spread of Nationalism, Anderson posits the argument that media contributed to a new consciousness of space, time, and social relatedness beginning in Europe in the 16th century. Interestingly, media’s role  →

Greenhouse Gas Reduction Targets and the Approaching Paradigm Shift in Transportation

The issues around greenhouse gases are getting more airplay than ever, as we look to renewable energy sources, not to mention those that relate to transportation. “Transportation accounts for a full third of CO2 emission in the United States, and  →

Summary of “Holocene Vegetation Change” by Wahl et al.

The article in question makes assumptions about Holocene evidence found in shifts in pollen and other signs of high humidity and climate change in archeological plant life through carbon dating. Additionally, during this period the forest cover area was significantly  →

The Economic Implications of a “Case Against College”

Part of the American dream, at least as it applies to young people, generally involves four years at a respectable institution followed by a “real”’ job, preferably in the same field one studies in college. In her article “The Case  →

Ethics, Private Opinion and Public Responsibility of Public School Teachers

As public servants tasked with the enormous responsibility of helping to create educated, responsible, and ethical citizens, public school teachers have a host of complex duties that require endless combinations of skills and decision-making strategies. Among some of the important  →

A Principle and Theory Based Proposed Preschool for Children Ages 3-6

Between the ages of three and six, children require preschools that can adapt to and encourage their rapidly developing linguistic, social, and motor skills. “The years between 3 and 6 are hardly a mere waystation in life, an interval spent  →

Diversity and the Practical Application of Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences, as proposed in his work, Frames of Mind: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences, which appeared in 1993 and has since become the subject of debate, criticism, and enthusiastic praise from those across the educational spectrum,  →

Qualitative Research in Practice: “The Ethnography of an Electronic Bar”

“The Ethnography of an Electronic Bar: The Lesbian Café” by Shelley J. Correll is qualitative article that seeks to offer broader insights into what the term community actually means if it exists in an intangible location and furthermore, to describe  →