Today's Date:
March 11, 2025

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How to Treat Diarrhea and Constipation

Diarrhea and constipation are without a doubt  the most common, yet persistent ailments that we face. Both stomach problems can put you flat on your back for hours or even days. Knowing how to treat these digestive ailments can be a  →

5 Fun Fitness Classes Anyone Will Love

Do you want to get in shape by taking a fitness class but ever class you look into doesn’t seem like any fun? Why not look for a fitness class that will not only give you the work out you  →

Fish Oil and Weight Loss : A Brief Guide to Better Health

A lot people all ready know that fish oil is good for their heart, brain skin and even their mood.  But now research says that it may also help one to burn body fat, especially when combined with regular exercise.  →

How to Choose the Right Fitness Instructor

So you are ready to get fit but not sure what to look for in a fitness instructor? Let’s take a look at a few things you need to know and think about when you are choosing a fitness instructor.  →

Easy Tips To Lower Your Blood Pressure Today

High blood pressure has become one of the most important indicators of poor health in recent years.  Keeping your blood pressure low can mean the difference between a long, healthy life and an early death.  As serious as these risks  →

What to Consider When Choosing a Fitness Club

Although finally making the choice to join a fitness club is a great idea don’t let your enthusiasm to get going cause you to make a wrong choice in what fitness club you want to join. By taking the time  →

Who Needs a Fitness Trainer?

If you are interested in getting fit and healthier you could be considering hiring a fitness trainer to help out. You may be contemplating what benefits you will get from having a fitness trainer along with why should you hire  →

The Benefits of Not Exercising : A Satirical Health Guide

Almost everyone is aware of the importance of regular exercise to maintain or lose weight, to build stamina, and to make people more generally healthy. While it is difficult to disagree with any of this, it seems that research and  →

How To Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Did you know that heart disease kills more Americans then cancer and HIV combined? Heart disease is a silent killer that affects more then 60 million Americans and that number is growing. 1 in every 5 Americans suffer from some  →

Dealing With Chronic Hypertension: The Silent Killer

Many of us have chronically high blood pressure, yet do little or nothing to alleviate it, until it’s too late. Chronic hypertension is a silent but deadly killer that is often undertreated at great cost to patients and their families.  →