Today's Date:
March 10, 2025

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The Benefits of Using a Tree Bog or, Putting Your Poop to Work for You

If you’re just beginning to venture into the wonderful world of composting toilets and are looking for a composting toilet alternative that is incredibly easy and great for the environment, a tree bog might be your best bet. The benefits  →

What are Data Loggers and What is a Data Logger Used For?

Simply put a data logger is a small device that is used to store information or data. A data logger is a device that gains information such as a serial communication system or a plug-in board. These systems utilize a  →

Three Reasons to Use Joomla as a Content Management System

Whether you’re starting a new website or migrating a static Web site to a more dynamic platform, if content management is your biggest problem and you hope to make your site more engaging to visitors, your first choice of a  →

Privacy & Personal Information Online : One Day, Many Traces

The age of technology in which we are living has introduced numerous challenging philosophical and ethical issues regarding the relationship between the market and the notion of personal space and privacy rights.[1]  Much of our lives are lived and transacted  →

How Long Does it Take to Train Speech Recognition Programs Like Dragon or on Vista?

Speech recognition software has come a long way since its first release several years ago and although it is still not perfect, there are many users of speech recognition software that boast accuracy rates of up to 99% but there  →

Biography of Victoria Reid : Native American Woman

Victoria Reid is a fascinating woman from the early 19th century who lived in California and who challenged conventional concepts of race, gender, and class. Reid was a Native American woman, the daughter of a chief, who lived in California  →

Biography of Author & Activist Maria Amparo Ruiz De Burton

Born in the U.S. in 1832 to parents who had come from Mexico and made their wealth by owning and working land, Ruiz de Burton grew up in class setting of relative privilege. This ArticleMyriad biography starts when she got  →

A List of Some Famous Breast Cancer Survivors

It is not difficult to form a list of famous breast cancer survivors and out of all of the celebrity breast cancer survivors, there are thousands of regular women from all walks of life. Many of us know at least  →

What is Airsoft and How Do You Play?

Years ago law enforcement and the military began playing simulation games. They started out playing paintball but have since taken to playing a different kind of game, airsoft. Airsoft is a game that requires each player to be equipped with  →

Eight of the Least Interesting Sports in the Summer Olympics

The Olympics, which have ended another year in their long, illustrious history. have come to a close, but I think we need to be honest and admit that not all the sports being represented in it garnered interest from American  →