Today's Date:
February 23, 2025

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The Banking System in China : Stability and Central Banks

For at least the past decade, the People’s Republic of China has been enjoying a period of hyper-accelerated economic growth (Country Economic Review, 2002). Foreign companies are investing in China at unprecedented rates, as China has available land, human resources,  →

Comparison of Banking Systems in China and Russia : The Function of Central Banks

In both China and Russia, significant political and social changes have necessarily created challenges to the countries’ respective economic policies and practices. In both China and Russia, central banks have attempted to assert their autonomy, independence, and authority, but the  →

How Moving to a Four Day Work Week Might Ease Unemployment

The problem of unemployment and joblessness in this country is not due to the fact that work week is too long, but rather, it is the result of more complex social, economic and other factors. While most people who already  →

The Role and Responsibilities of Management in Organizations

If managers of organizations were obligated only to provide employment, businesses and partnerships would inevitably fail. It is crucial, no matter the size or scope of an organization, that the main function of management will both address and handle the  →

Remote Management of Diverse Teams

There are several challenges organizations face when managing a virtual or remote team. One of the most common and potentially problematic issues is that of accountability and leadership since the management is physically absent from the location. Although it is  →

Analysis and Summary of “The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money” by John Maynard Keynes

The 1930s were a desperate time.  National economies were struggling and depressed, and many feared monetary collapse.  It was at this time, in 1936, that John Maynard Keynes published his best-known and most influential work, The General Theory of Employment,  →

The Effect of an Epidemic on the Funeral Industry: Cholera and Gastrointestinal Outbreaks

An epidemic has the potential to greatly alter the common practices of all sectors of the funeral industry in terms of the basic bereavement services, preparation of the body, and other considerations—most notably the safety of the funeral industry professionals  →

An Overview of Job Search Technology

The process of searching for a job has come a long way in the past decade as the traditional modes of job searching (newspaper ads, word of mouth, and recommendations) have all fallen by the wayside. The introduction of the  →

Potentially Abusive or Unethical Situations in E-Commerce: The Amazon Model

In the past few years several news stories have emerged detailing the foul practice of information selling, which involves one host company selling the private details of their customers to marketing research groups and other potentially harmful companies. Aside from  →