Today's Date:
February 22, 2025

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Aging Trends and the World Economy : Observations and Implications

Much has been written in business and social science research literature during the past ten years about the fact that the demographics of age in the United States are poised for a significant shift in the coming decades. As the Baby  →

How Increasing Environmental Awareness Might Benefit the Global Tourism Industry

Despite the steady rise in the popularity of environmentally-oriented tourism and the evidence suggesting that protecting the environment is not only ethically responsible, but makes business sense as well, many segments of the tourism industry either ignore or flagrantly violate  →

Innovation and Revolution in Latin American Financial Markets

Latin American financial markets have experienced evolution, not revolution, although it must be acknowledged that the effects of the evolution in the markets may have effects that feel revolutionary to certain segments of the population. Despite the fact that most  →

A Cultural Guide to Doing Business in India

For any company, doing business in India will take a great deal of adjustment, particularly because of the vast number of cultural differences that must be dealt with. There are hundreds of languages to master and a great many nuances  →

An Employer’s Guide to the Americans with Disabilities Act : Attitudes & Employer Practices

Since 1990, all companies have been required by federal mandate to avoid discriminatory practices in the recruitment, employment, compensation, retention and dismissal of their employees by adhering to the letter and spirit of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) (New  →

Consumer Demographics : Marketing Case Study of Home Depot and Best Buy

Although the largest demographic, population wise, may be that of the aging Baby Boomers, retailers tend to agree that one of the most important consumer demographics is college-educated adults in their late 20s and early 30s who have not yet had children  →

Resolving Customer Conflict Issues : A Hypothetical Business Case Study

“The customer is always right” has become a mantra for many businesses, but anyone who works in business long enough knows with certainty that the customer is notalways right. In fact, quite often, the customer is wrong, but it can be  →

Regulation and the Airline Industry : Past and Current Policy

Despite the ever-increasing number of Americans who travel on airplanes for business and for pleasure, the airline industry has historically been, and remains, one of the most financially unstable businesses in the United States. Although air carriers in the United  →

An Extended Definition of Organizational Behavior

There are a number of factors to consider when offering a definition of organizational behavior as aspects of it bridge lines of disciplines. Psychology and sociology have improved our understanding of organizational behavior by providing insights about the ways in  →

Corporate Policy : Taking the Political Approach to Company Policy Making

Decisions made in corporate boardrooms are often as political in nature as those made by government officials because the two organizational systems share the characteristic of being comprised of multiple stakeholders, both internal and external to the decision-making body (18).  →