If you have ever thought about starting your own business from your own home, probably online, you must familiarize yourself with zoning laws. Zoning laws are set by the city ordinances to determine areas that are marked for business. Areas →
Starting a business newsletter can be a great asset to company. A newsletter helps create loyal customers, while generating new business leads. Learn how to start a business newsletter with little to no investment using the internet.Determine the subject of →
The field of risk management has received a great deal of attention lately and many business scholars have written extensively about what constitutes a reasonable versus unreasonable risk for businesses of all sizes. In the course of business, there are →
Most of us already understand that having a full spectrum of privacy protections in place for our business is one of our most important responsibilities, but not everyone understands the full scope of what privacy actually means for a business. →
Motivation is the number one way of keeping employees happy, but the question so many employers ask is how can we see an increase in motivation without going broke? According to Inc.com, motivating employees boils down to being as varied →
When offering a full definiton of sexual harassment in the context of the workplace, there are few elements of any discussion that are cut and dry. There are several distinctions made bewteen the types of sexual harassment that are used and therefore →
When the Honorable Justice Potter Stewart wrote that “there is a big difference between what we have the right to do and what is right” he was referring to the fact that both as individuals and members of organizations, there →
Chapter Three Research Design and Methods Introduction In this chapter, the researcher will present the methodological framework and research design that were used to answer the two research main guiding research questions that guided the study: 1) What is the →
The future of dot coms is the subject of heated debate and the harsh lessons learned in the wake of the “bubble burst” several years ago still are rather fresh wounds for developers, economists, retailers, and just about anyone who →
The label “Third World” is a problematic term that has been used since the middle of the twentieth century to refer to a diverse group of countries that are characterized by similar socioeconomic conditions, marked by poverty and an insufficiently →