Today's Date:
March 26, 2025

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Difference Between Research Questions or Hypothesis

A research question is a highly focused question that addresses one concept or component of the hypothesis whereas the hypothesis itself is used to state the relationship between two variables. The purpose of the study I am undertaking is to  →

Wind Farms and Environmental and Economic Sustainability

In the midst of both an energy and economic crisis, the need for sustainable alternatives to fossil fuels that are economically viable is more pressing than ever before. The benefits of harnessing the energy of the wind through massive wind  →

The Subaru Plant and the Principles of Green Engineering in Practice

The first principle of green engineering according to Anastas and Zimmerman (2003) is perhaps the most all-inclusive and for the long-term, one the most valuable of the twelve offered. It states that “Designers need to strive to ensure that all  →

Steve Jobs and Leadership

 There is little doubt that Steve Jobs possesses an extraordinary degree of sheer business acumen, but of equal, if not greater importance is the fact that his leadership skills have proven to be indispensable. One can make the solid argument  →

Managerial Decision Making and Right vs. Right Dilemmas: An Assessment

In the plague of ethical scandals that splashed across headlines at the beginning of this decade, greedy corporate executives were cast as villainous, self-serving individuals who had made a clear and morally untenable choice between a right option and a  →

The Hidden Conflicts of Starting a Fast Food Franchise

Chapter One – Introduction Definition of the Problem The period during which the entrepreneurial individual is starting a business is a time of excitement, full of possibility. At the same time, however, the start-up period can be fraught with conflict  →

Trading Issues of China and the United States

Any scholar engaged in the study of international business, international economics or even social research is likely to be interested in the growing role that China is playing in an ever-increasing number of industry and market sectors, as well as  →

A Cultural Approach to Doing Business in India, Japan, and Germany

Doing business in India requires some careful attention to customs, not to mention some social research to best understand a complex people and its nuanced business climate. For any company, doing business in India will take a great deal of  →

Monetary and Fiscal Policy Recommendation for Macroeconomic Problems

Between the current collapses of the credit and housing markets, and an aging population, the American economy is truly in crisis stage. Predictably, officials offering broad plans for fiscal and monetary policies to alleviate the crisis are numerous but there  →

What is the Ontario Liberal government’s strategy to attract auto investment to the province?

The Ontario Liberal government’s strategy to attract auto investment to the province has been comprised of a multi-pronged strategy. First,Canadahas begun shifting the locus of economic gain from pure production to other forms of income-generating activity, such as providing technical  →