Today's Date:
February 21, 2025

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Themes and Plot Analysis of “The Snowstorm” by Pushkin

As this analysis of the short story, “The Snowstorm” by Alexander Pushkin emphasizes, the reader encounters a plot that is not entirely novel. The familiar story of the frustrated young love has, in fact, become a well-worn favorite over the  →

Poststructural Analysis of “Leaves of Grass” by Walt Whitman

A poststructural reading of Walt Whitman’s Leaves of Grass offers new definitions of self, democracy, and nationhood. Whitman is not only the poem’s author, but also its speaker, a fact which challenges the reader to decenter Whitman’s assertions and meanings. While the  →

Review and Summary of Carnet de Voyage by Craig Thompson

The title of Craig Thompson’s most recent travel book, Carnet de Voyage, translated roughly from the French into English as “travel document,” suggests to the reader that he or she is entering into a travelogue that will have France as its setting. The  →

Literary Character Comparison of Gawain and Beowulf

Gawain embodies many of the characteristics of the chivalric knight and hero, among them, modesty, honesty, commitment, courage, and an even temperament. He also engages in the activities that define heroes: a journey, a challenge, and the proof of his  →

Sample Discussion Questions on Beowulf with Answers Key

What do the poets in Beowulf sing about? To whom do they sing their songs? What is the purpose of their performances? Much of the subject matter the poets relate in Beowulf revolves around heroic traditions, including important lineages and  →

Character Analysis of Gertrude in Hamlet By Sasha Safonova

Many describe The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark as the most mature and complex play in Shakespeare’s repertoire. Thorough studies and research exist on topics which touch upon numerous diverse facets of Hamlet. The author developed a range of characters which has fascinates  →

Brave New World by Aldous Huxley : An Analysis of the Themes of Consumption and Utopia

 Throughout “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, the concepts of consumption and utopia are constantly juxtaposed and compared to determine whether or not they are genuinely compatible. Although one could state that the citizens of this world in  “Brave New  →

Analysis and Summary of “Principles of Political Economy” by John Stuart Mill

The author of “Principles of Political Economy” and other important works on economics, John Stuart Mill was one of the most noted philosophers and political thinkers of the 19th century.  He was a staunch advocate of the philosophy of utilitarianism, which  →

Analysis and Summary of “Life in Prison” by Stanley “Tookie” Williams

   Much of Stanley “Tookie” Williams’ book, “Life in Prison” is committed to warning young people about the unglamorous life that will await them in prison. In order to achieve his goal of dissuading young people from thinking about prison as  →

Feared Versus Loved: An Analysis of The Prince by Machiavelli

In The Prince, Machiavelli sets forth several guidelines and a summary of behavior for a ruler and establishes that, “It is best to be both feared and loved, however, if one cannot be both it is better to be feared  →