On a surface level, the problem of evil involves a series of questions based on how evil can exist in there is a God, especially if such a God is considered to be an omnipotent figure that might have the →
Although it is impotence that initially drives Portnoy to Doctor Spielvogel, his underlying complaint is not overtly sexual in nature: he contends that the very fact of his Jewishness is responsible for the degradation and shame that has cripples him →
Throughout Shakespeare’s play Othello, the character Iago is one of the main instigators of the action and serves the dual role of director and actor, thus putting the audience at his mercy as both director of the action and central →
In both Homer’s Odyssey and Virgil’s Aeneid, the gods and goddesses play a direct role in the fates of the main characters and serve as both guides as they fulfill their destinies while at other times, are petty, cruel, and →
The conclusion of Fyodor Dostoyevsky’s Notes from Underground is a fitting one as is the case in the author’ other books like Crime and Punishment, for instance. Although it may be a frustrating ending for the reader in that it →
Shakespeare’s Othello is a play wrought with the intricacies of the human mind. While Othello and Desdemona begin a life together in marital bliss, dissatisfaction from her father and allusions to an affair with Cassio soon taint the once perfect →
In Maggie: A Girl of the Streets by Stephen Crane, squalid and devastating conditions prove more resilient and determining than the power of will or character. This is not only one of the most prominent aspects that defines this as →
The central issue in the play by Christopher Sergel, which is based on the text by Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird, is that of injustice, especially as it is connected to intolerance. In the case of this play, the →
The matter of narrative authority or, for that matter, authenticity in slave narratives is almost a secondary concern when compared to the slave narrative’s main goal, which is to communicate and, in the cases of these two texts, criticize racial →
“Epic” defines the dominant social order and is visible in a culture. One of the ways these aspects of an epic are defined is in the way they are expressed through artistic forms such as poetry. In Homer’s Iliad and →