Today's Date:
February 20, 2025

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Purpose of a Literature Review

Literature reviews are one of the most critical elements of any lengthy piece of social research as it forms the backbone of the wider theoretical base of any topic. In terms of the process of writing any longer study, the  →

The Problem of Evil and the Problem of Reductionist Arguments to Define the Unknown

On a surface level, the problem of evil involves a series of questions based on how evil can exist in there is a God, especially if such a God is considered to be an omnipotent figure that might have the  →

Social Order, Culture and the Epic Form

“Epic” defines the dominant social order and is visible in a culture. One of the ways these aspects of an epic are defined is in the way they are expressed through artistic forms such as poetry. In Homer’s Iliad and  →

Defining Russia Through Philosophical Definitions: Nihilism and the Old Order

The nihilist philosophy as expressed most succinctly by Bazarov, is defined, understood, and received differently by nearly all of the central characters in Fathers and Sons (click here for a full analysis of the book) by Turgenev. Ultimately, by presenting  →

The Intersection of History and Narrative: Conrad’s Lord Jim and the S.S. Jeddah

While there were many such voyages of British ships loaded with Muslim pilgrims that took place before and roughly around the same period that Conrad began writing Lord Jim, there is little doubt that the events that took place on  →

Canto 30: Symbolic Characterization and Dante’s Naturalism as Animalism

In Canto 30 of Dante’s Inferno, the reader is led through a lengthy, crowded section of hell where a collection of souls who are suffering eternal punishment for a wide range of sins are clustered together, mired in their own  →

Annotated Bibliography of Creative Writing Resources

When undertaking the task of writing a literature review, not to mention getting a solid idea of the hypothesis or research questions you wish to explore, it helps to begin with an annotated or at least conceptual list of qualified  →

Russian History

Somewhere between the hard lines of West and East lies Russia, a country that has long struggled to find its place in a maelstrom of conflicting cultures. Due to its proximity to Western Europe and the many wars and political  →

Short Story Comparison : The Open Boat, Winesburg Ohio, and The Hairy Ape

In Stephen Crane’s “The Open Boat,” Sherwood Anderson’s “Winesburg, Ohio,” and Eugene O’Neill’s “The Hairy Ape,” all three authors locate their characters in a deterministic universe where they are left to struggle with the unpredictable and seemingly indifferent whims of  →

Unpardonable Sin : Comparison of Young Goodman Brown, The Minister’s Black Veil, and Ethan Brand

One of the motifs that connects many, if not all, of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short stories is that of the unpardonable sin. In terms of themes, Hawthorne and his main characters are typically preoccupied with the effort of resolving the base desires  →