Today's Date:
March 16, 2025

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Brave New World by Aldous Huxley : An Analysis of the Themes of Consumption and Utopia

 Throughout “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley, the concepts of consumption and utopia are constantly juxtaposed and compared to determine whether or not they are genuinely compatible. Although one could state that the citizens of this world in  “Brave New  →

Analysis of “In the Skin of a Lion” by Michael Ondaatje : Themes of Violence

 Given the pervasiveness and intensity of violence in Michael Ondaatje’s novel, “In the Skin of a Lion”, it may seem to be a foregone conclusion that the writer is advocating aggressive action as a means of political change. Violence, after all,  →

Class and Satire in “The American” by Henry James and “Huck Finn” by Mark Twain

One of the most effective techniques an author can employ to engage the reader is the use of satire, which, with its blend of humor and social commentary and criticism, typically makes for interesting reading. Two novelistic examples in which  →

Representations of Children in Eighteenth Century Literature

There are a number of modern-day adages which are still used to describe the ways in which children of past generations were regarded with respect to their position in society and in relationship to their families. These sayings include, among  →

Common Themes in Romanticism, The Enlightenment, and the Renaissance

When considering three major movements in world civilization and history; Romanticism, the Enlightenment, and the Renaissance, one theme that runs throughout is that of rebellion. More specifically, this rebellion in all three movements was against past traditions and each of  →

Paradise Lost by John Milton: A Critical Reading of Adam’s Fall

The critic’s reading of Adam’s fall in “Paradise Lost” by John Milton is problematic and flawed; however, his very conceptualization that Adam’s actions represent the most important element of Milton’s narrative is even more troubling. The critic contends that Adam’s  →

Character Analysis of Isabella in “Measure for Measure” by Shakespeare


Comparison of the Use of Irony and Satire in “A Modest Proposal” and “Gulliver’s Travels” by Jonathan Swift


“Paradise Lost” by Milton : Satan, Heroism and Classical Definitions of the Epic Hero

 Although Paradise Lost was written by John Milton more than three centuries ago, it remains an important fixture in the Western literary canon, and its central subject continues to be a cause for scholarly debate: Is Satan a heroic figure and more  →

Historical Comparison of “Moll Flanders”, “The Country Wife”, and “A Harlot’s Progress”

Sexuality has always played a role in literature and art and is a common theme in three works of fiction from the eighteenth century, “Moll Flanders” by Daniel Defoe, “The Country Wife” by William Wycherley, and “A Harlot’s Progress” by  →