Today's Date:
March 15, 2025

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Character and Divine Influence in The Iliad and The Aeneid : The Role of the Gods and Goddesses and the Direction of Fate

Despite the wide margin of time that elapsed from the writing of Homer’s Iliad and Virgil’s Aeneid, many of the same themes are apparent in each text. Within both The Aeneid and Iliad, there is a strong urge to present a world in which wars are glorious and the  →

The Role of Media in Society in “1984” by George Orwell

The role of media in the society presented in the novel by George Orwell, 1984 cannot be underestimated nor can the commentary about the possible future in the novel be ignored. One of Orwell’s astute observations about politics and society  →

Biography of James Fenimore Cooper : Analysis of Life and Works in Context

James Fenimore Cooper (1789-1851) was one of the most popular American novelists of his time and he gained a great deal of fame both in American and abroad with his romantic tales of adventure. He produced a large body of  →

Purpose of a Literature Review

Literature reviews are one of the most critical elements of any lengthy piece of social research as it forms the backbone of the wider theoretical base of any topic. In terms of the process of writing any longer study, the  →

The Quest for Identity in American Poetry

The issue of identity in American culture has, since the first pieces composed in the New World, been a consistent trope of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry alike. America’s position throughout history as a burgeoning and constantly-developing country is naturally reflected  →

Analysis of Poems by Emily Bishop : “One Art” and “A Miracle for Breakfast”

Categorized by the Great Depression, two World Wars, as well as a rapidly changing society, America in the twentieth century was a time of many gains as well as many losses. No poet displays this sense of loss quite so  →

Tolkien’s “On Fairy Stories” and the Success of The Silmarillion

In The Silmarillion, Tolkien successfully achieves the perfect fantasy or fairy story on all levels and, if one were to judge this text that outlines, in intricate detail, the entire history of an imaginary world by the standard set forth  →

An Analysis of Shakespeare’s Women

One of the persistent topics of interest in the field of Shakespeare studies is that which considers the various roles that women play in the bard’s comedies and tragedies. Literary and historical scholars affirm that women did not enjoy political,  →

Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily: Fallen Monuments and Distorted Relics

William Faulkner was born in 1897 and spent the majority of his life in the South, where he became well acquainted with various character types that inevitably emerge in his stories. Frustrated with school and hoping to find his own  →

Social Justice and Language in “Raisin in the Sun” and “The Story”

Language forms part of the backbone of the manifestation of social injustice in literature in two plays that address similar themes, although in vastly different ways and, for that matter, in completely different contexts. The plays in question, “A Raisin  →