Today's Date:
March 26, 2025

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Industrialization, Social Ferment and Consideration of Socialist Responses

Growing industrialization produced radical changes in the West and created challenges in society that had never emerged. The sheer volume of human labor required to support rapid industrialization created a historically unparalleled need for wage workers. With these changes came  →

The Armenian Genocide and the U.S. Response

When most consider the term “genocide” in the context of the twentieth century, the Jewish Holocaust is of ten the first event to spring to mind. However, the first genocide of the last century left vast numbers of villages and  →

A History of the Modern Olympic Games

The Olympic Games have an extensive history, but the modern epoch of this worldwide sporting event is marked as having been initiated in 1890 (Roche 92-93) and it is this period that this history of the modern Olympic Games begins.  →

Relevance of the Westphalian System to the Modern World By Sasha Safonova

The Westphalian system of sovereign states was established in 1648 as part of the Peace of Westphalia. There were three core points to the treaty: The principle of state sovereignty; The principle of (legal) equality of states; The principle of  →