Today's Date:
March 15, 2025

Furor, Flames, and The Aeneid: The Theme of Rage in the Epic Poem by Virgil

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : Fate and the Death of Turnus in Virgil’s Aeneid   and      Character and Divine Influence in The Aeneid and Iliad Throughout the two books of The Aeneid by Virgil,  it would seem as though  →

The Role of Nature in Transcendental Poetry: Emerson, Thoreau & Whitman

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : Transcendentalism and the Poetry of Walt Whitman  •  Comparison of the Poets Walt Whitman and Ruben Dario  •  Analysis and Summary of “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau •  Persistent Themes in the  →

Biography of Virginia Woolf

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : Literary Modernism in “Heart of Darkness” and “The Death of Ivan Ilych”  • Class and Satire in “The American” by Henry James and “Huck Finn” by Mark Twain •  American Literature in  →

The Significance of the Reference to Philomel in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : The Significance of the Play Within a Play Structure of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream •  The Friendships of Women in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare •   A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Analysis of Lines  →

Friendships and the Relationships of Women in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by William Shakespeare

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : The Significance of the Play Within a Play Structure of “A Midsummer Night’s Dream •  A Midsummer Night’s Dream: Analysis of Lines 5-20 of the Epilogue  •  The Symbol of the Moon in  →

The Role of Theatre in “Villette” by Charlotte Bronte

ther essays and articles related to this topic can be found in the Literature Archives at Article Myriad • From the beginning of Charlotte Bronte’s novel, Villette, the reader is immersed in a sense of the theatrical, not only because of the  →

Analysis of “My Name is Red” by Orhan Pamuk

Other essays and articles related to this topic can be found in the Literature Archives at Article Myriad Orhan Pamuk’s fictionalized account of the history of miniature painting in his novel “My Name is Red” is very much like some of the  →

Transcendentalism and the Transcendentalist Movement in the Poetry of Whitman

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : The Role of Nature in Transcendentalism : Thoreau, Whitman and Emerson •  Comparison of the Poets Walt Whitman and Ruben Dario  • Analysis and Summary of “Civil Disobedience” by Henry David Thoreau •  Persistent  →

Modernism in Tolstoy & Conrad: Comparison of “Death of Ivan Ilych” and “Heart of Darkness”

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : Historical Summary of “Outpost of Progress” by Joseph Conrad  •   Comparison of The Metamorphosis, Gulliver’s Travels and The Death of Ivan Ilych Making a comparison between “The Death of Ivan  →

Existentialism in “The Third Life of Grange Copeland” by Alice Walker: Oppression and Existenialist Dynamics

Other essays and articles in the Literature Archives related to this topic include : The Role of African-American Traditions in Walker’s “Everyday Use” In the first novel by Alice Walker, “The Third Life of Grange Copeland”, for example, the author crafts a carefully  →