Today's Date:
March 15, 2025

Comparison of “Frankenstein” and” Flowers for Algernon”: Science Fiction and the Redefinitions of Humanity in Works by Mary Shelley and Daniel Keyes

Comparing two works of science fiction, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and “Flowers for Algernon” by Daniel Keyes, a number of statements about humanity and its meaning emerge. It is the aim and function of science fiction, then, to both exacerbate and alleviate  →

Elements of Romanticism in Frankenstein by Mary Shelley

Many of the main ideas behind the literary movement of Romanticism can be seen inFrankenstein by Mary Shelley. Although the dark motifs of her most remembered work, Frankenstein may not seem to conform to the brighter tones and subjects of the poems of her husband Percy  →

Analysis of “Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley : Morality Without God

        Throughout Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, knowledge of the existence of a creator has a crippling effect on the creature as he struggles to reconcile his own perception of himself with his maddening desire for divine approval and acceptance. It is impossible to  →

Poem Analysis of “Fra Lippo Lippi” by Robert Browning: The Theme & Meaning of Celibacy

Throughout the poem, “Fra Lippo Lippi” Browning seems to be engaging in a dialogue with the Church regarding celibacy—both in the artistic and sexual sense. The feelings of the poem’s narrator can easily be seen as Browning’s own critique and  →

Analysis of Narayan’s The Financial Expert

Much of what makes Narayan’s novel, The Financial Expert so fascinating is his use of simple language to describe complex characters. Throughout The Financial Expert the reader is introduced to several characters that may seem to play only a minor  →

The Theme of Guilt in Fifth Business and The Manticore by Robertson Davies

Guilt stemming from traumatic childhood experiences is a theme that runs throughout both The Fifth Business and “The Manticore”, both by Robertson Davies. As this essay will argue, although nearly all of the main characters have ties to this theme,  →

The Forbidden Quest for Knowledge in Doctor Faustus and Paradise Lost

  Despite an enormous difference in content and plot, Doctor Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and Paradise Lost by John Milton share a great deal in common thematically. In both Doctor Faustus and Paradise Lost, the quest for knowledge is not a noble pursuit with great rewards at the  →

Analysis of “The Expedition of Humphry Clinker” by Tobias Smollett: The Theme of Colonialism

Despite the overall jaunty theme and happy ending of “The Expedition of Humphry Clinker” by Tobias Smollett, there are a few issues that rise to the surface occasionally and cause tension to the modern reader as he or she makes  →

The Role of African-American Traditions in Walker’s “Everyday Use”

Click Here for a Free, Detailed Plot Summary of “Everyday Use”from SuperSummary Traditions in “Everyday Use” by Alice Walker are important to both Dee and her mother, but they have different meanings. For Dee’s mother and her sister Maggie, traditions are  →

Summary, Analysis & Insights on Emile by Rousseau

In Emile, Rousseau and his fictitious account on properly raising a young boy to become a man, several theories about education are discussed and put into practice into the boy’s life. To offer a short summary of Emile, by Jean-Jacques Rousseau under  →