Today's Date:
March 14, 2025

Analysis and Summary of “Is This the Promised End” by Joyce Carol Oates

 In her essay about “King Lear” by William Shakespeare, “Is This the Promised End” Joyce Carol Oates discusses the almost reformation of King Lear after coming to terms with his goddess-like exiled daughter as a result of her grace. His  →

Character Analysis of Atticus Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird

Atticus Finch is one of the most steadfastly honest and moral characters in “To Kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee and his character remains, for the most part, unchanged throughout “To Kill a Mockingbird”. As any character analysis of Atticus Finch  →

“Overcome ‘em With Yeses”: Advice and Self-Realization in Ellison’s Invisible Man

Throughout Ralph Ellison’s novel, “Invisible Man”, the words of advice given to the narrator by his grandfather frequently reemerge, either in direct or indirect form. His suggestion that he “agree ‘em to death” however, becomes the flawed and self-denying philosophy that  →

Comparison of The Metamorphosis, Gulliver’s Travels and The Death of Ivan Ilych

Although the three works discussed in the following analysis (The Metamorphosis, Gulliver’s Travels,and The Death of Ivan Ilych) arise from vastly different historical, cultural, and literary contexts, they share two common elements that make them quite alike in terms of theme  →

Masculinity and The Warrior Culture of The Iliad by Homer

Throughout The Iliad by Homer, one of the most important aspects of society is warfare. In fact, not only are the ongoing wars at the center of the plot and action in the text, but warfare itself is one of the strongest  →

An Analysis of Select Ideas from Hume’s Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary

David Hume contributed significantly to political and economic thought through his vast collection of writings, including. “Essays: Moral, Political, and Literary” and was one of the leading figures in the emerging Scottish version of the same period of Enlightenment that was sweeping  →

Analysis of the “To Be or Not to Be” Soliloquy in Hamlet by William Shakespeare

The meaning of the “to be or not to be” speech in Shakespeare’s Hamlet has been given numerous interpretations, each of which are textually, historically, or otherwise based. In general, while Hamlet’s famous “to be or not to be” soliloquy  →

Perceptions of the Ghost in Shakespeare’s Hamlet

Throughout Hamlet, both the reader and the title character are drawn into the complex question of whether or not the ghost of Hamlet’s father is a spirit sent to tempt and destroy Hamlet or if it is truly his father who has  →

Full Character Analysis of Hamlet

 One of the many talents of the playwright William Shakespeare was that he broke the limiting mold of the one-dimensional character by representing characters in all of their human complexity. Hamlet, for example, is a compelling character because he is  →

Shakespeare’s Hamlet as a Tragic Hero

Is Hamlet a tragic hero? In many senses, Hamlet is the quintessential tragic hero. Not only does he begin with the noblest motivations (to punish his father’s murderer) but by the end, his situation is do dire that the only  →