Today's Date:
March 14, 2025

The Theme of Revenge in Medea and The Odyssey

Crime, punishment, and revenge are central themes in both Medea, the Greek play by Euripides and “The Odyssey” by Homer.  When comparing “The Odyssey” to “Medea” there are significant plot differences between the two ancient texts, much of the action  →

Hospitality in The Odyssey and Sir Gawain and the Green Knight

In both “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “The Odyssey” by Homer, hospitality one of the vital social customs that allows for open communication in a non-threatening manner that offers established patterns of behavior and norms. In both cultures  →

Food Imagery and Temptation in The Odyssey

Throughout “The Odyssey” by the Greek poet Homer, images of food feature prominently in a range of scenes and serve as a more general statement about temptation in The Odyssey by Homer. While feasting with guests and at celebrations was a  →

The Narrow Role of Women The Odyssey by Homer

Although “The Odyssey” by the Greek poet Homer is very much an epic tale of a man’s heroic quest, women play an incredibly large role. Homer’s epic tale, “The Odyssey” revolves around Ulysses’ quest to return back to his wife, Penelope,  →

The Development of the Character Telemakhos in The Odyssey

Throughout the first few books of The Odyssey, it almost seems as though Telemakhos is the central character since the introduction of his father does not come until after Telemakhos has experienced an “awakening” to his responsibilities. The reader witnesses his struggles  →

Father and Son Relationships in The Odyssey by Homer

There are certain obvious facts that are known about the nature of father-son relationships in Homer’s most famous epic poems, “The Iliad” and “The Odyssey” before the reader even enters the texts. The reader knows, for instance, that the structure  →

The Significance of Land in “O! Pioneers” by Willa Cather

In Willa Cather’s  “O! Pioneers”  the setting itself melds into a quiet but omnipotent and omniscient main character alongside other central characters such as Alexandra, her brothers, and her neighbors. The land is not just the backdrop for the action,  →

Short Analysis and Summary of “Neighbors” by Raymond Carver

The short story “Neighbors” by Raymond Carver has a plot that follows the exploits of Bill and Arlene Miller who are left to take care of the Stone’s apartment. The plot is chronological and despite a few memories of the  →

Poem Analysis of “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” by Langston Hughes

Throughout Langston Hughes’ poem, “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” the theme of roots is prominent and this theme gives rise to the ultimate meaning of the poem,  even though the word “roots” itself is not used in the text. The  →

Multicultural Writers and the Quest for Identity

American literature written by authors from different backgrounds than the standard white majority often revolves around the difficult struggle to solidify and define identity. Writers such as Amy Tan, Anna Raya, and Langston Hughes continually explore how complex the search for identity  →