Today's Date:
March 07, 2025

Contemporary Issues Facing Women in the Military

One of the greatest hot-button issues of the century continues to be the evolving role of women in traditionally “male” careers, including the military, science and engineering. Officially speaking, women have been part of the United States Armed Forces since  →

Cognitive Behavior Therapy in the Treatment of Eating Disorders

In the past decade, cognitive behavior therapy has become leading treatment for all varieties of eating disorders. Through its thought-centered approach, it has proven that eating disorders can be treated and although there are still some hurdles to overcome in  →

Potentially Abusive or Unethical Situations in E-Commerce: The Amazon Model

In the past few years several news stories have emerged detailing the foul practice of information selling, which involves one host company selling the private details of their customers to marketing research groups and other potentially harmful companies. Aside from  →

Summary of the Meaning of The Theory of Moral Virtue by Aristotle

Aristotle’s theory of moral virtue contends that our ultimate purpose or goal in life should be to reach eudaimonia, but to do so requires our ability to function properly in our thoughts and actions according to our sense of reason  →

Extended Definition and Analysis of Insular Poverty in the United States

Academic economist Kenneth Galbraith coined the term “insular poverty” in1969 as a means of distinguishing poverty of groups from individual poverty, which he termed case poverty (97; 325-327). According to Galbraith, case poverty refers to individuals who are poor because  →

The Criminal Justice System : Police Harassment

Issues of the police force in general and the way it handles internal issues such as discrimination or harassment are important factors in the criminal justice system and news items concerning police harassment frequently invoke discussions on much larger issues.  →

The Amish and Issues of Group / Communal Living

 The Amish are a religious sect in the United States who are marked by their resistance to many forms of modern technology such as electricity and modern communication devices. The Amish live apart from mainstream society and have a cooperative  →

An Extended Definition of Bollywood Cinema

One of the positive benefits of globalization that has been enjoyed in recent years is the diffusion of music, art, and movies from one region of the world to another, thereby widening the audience base for cultural productions that were previously  →

An Epic Hero in the Film “Pulp Fiction”?

Throughout history, the figure of the epic hero has persisted and although he may take different forms, he generally embodies several key characteristics. For example, an epic hero often is a paragon of some virtue or value that is important  →

Representations of Mental Illness in the Film “A Beautiful Mind”

The film “A Beautiful Mind” effectively portrays the life of a person living with schizophrenia and offers viewers several comments on the effects of mental illness without limiting the scope to simply this aspect. Being a genius does not preclude  →