Today's Date:
January 12, 2025

The Path to Prosperity : Economic Development in Hong Kong

In 1984, the conditions were established for the future transition of Hong Kong from its status as a colonial holding of the British empire to resume its former status as a sovereign holding of the People’s Republic of China (Chan  →

What is an Administrative Conservator and What Leadership Skills Are Necessary?

An administrative conservator plays a wide variety of leadership roles, which are conceptualized as being placed on a leadership continuum. These leadership roles are taken on by the administrative conservator as needed, and such need is determined by the phase  →

The Importance of Central Banks and Central Banking Systems

One of the most salient and important features of any country’s political organization and structure is how it relates to and manages its relationship with money in an effort to ensure the economic stability of the nation. Countries around the  →

The Banking System in China : Stability and Central Banks

For at least the past decade, the People’s Republic of China has been enjoying a period of hyper-accelerated economic growth (Country Economic Review, 2002). Foreign companies are investing in China at unprecedented rates, as China has available land, human resources,  →

Comparison of Banking Systems in China and Russia : The Function of Central Banks

In both China and Russia, significant political and social changes have necessarily created challenges to the countries’ respective economic policies and practices. In both China and Russia, central banks have attempted to assert their autonomy, independence, and authority, but the  →

A Comparison of Classical Representations of the Gigantomachy

In terms of the event described by Hesiod in which the gods and giants battle, the Gigantomachy, there are a number of different almost narrative representations through art  as well as variations in the more general depictions, and placements of  →

The Role of Food in the Film “The Godfather”

Food plays a significant role in Mario Puzo’s The Godfather and in Francis Ford Coppola’s film adaptation of Puzo’s novel. It would be easy enough to dismiss the emphasis on food as a superficial literary or filmic device; however, the persistent references  →

Legend and Narrative: The Story of Sundiata and the Film “The Last Samurai”

Throughout the canon of world literature, it must be distinguished between the prose written in a particular culture and that which is placed in a foreign locale but is distinctly domestic. The story of Sundiata takes place in and around  →

Scandinavian Playgrounds Serve as a New Model for Integrated Design and Social Intent

Scandinavia has offered the West with a unique and often immediately recognizable sense of style and design. Most items or structures that are based on the concept of Scandinavian design have very clean, sharp features and emphasize the need for  →

Comparison and Analysis of Paintings by Mary Cassatt and Georges Seurat

On first glance, the paintings “Susan Comforting the Baby,” by Mary Cassatt, and “Young Woman Powdering Herself,” by Georges Seurat, may seem strikingly similar in theme, mood, color, and content. If the viewer considers the information that “Susan Comforting the  →