Today's Date:
March 10, 2025

Analysis of Leviathan by Thomas Hobbes and Commentary on Political Philosophy

Leviathan was arguably the most important work of the seventeenth century philosopher Thomas Hobbes. In this seminal philosophical text, Hobbes deconstructed the political ideology upon which the foundation for the society in which he lived was constructed. Condensed and interpreted simply,  →

Nature, Law and Humanity as Defined by Hobbes, Plato and de Pizan

In his book, Leviathan, Sir Thomas Hobbes contends that the law of nature and civil law contain each other and are of equal extent. What Hobbes means by this pairing of laws that seem, on the surface, to be so different, is  →

Analysis of On the Heavens by Aristotle : The Argument for an Ordered Universe

In Chapters Four through Fourteen of Book Two of Aristotle’s On the Heavens, the learned philosopher proposes to cut through the haze of persistent ambiguities and mysteries about the nature and function of the universe, declaring “it is well that  →

The History of Falwell and The Moral Majority

From the earliest days of this country’s history, religion has played both a central and a conflicting role with respect to the structure, organization, and function of political life.[1][2] The founding fathers recognized that religion, while profoundly important for society, could  →

The Philosophy of Samuel Johnson : Is the State Antithetical to the Community?

In 1806, Samuel Johnson opined that the state is antithetical to the community. In order to defend or refute Johnson’s argument, it is important to understand what these well-worn terms, “state” and “community,” really mean, as the concepts have become  →

Subjectivity, Empiricism, and the Paradox of the Correct Religion

In nearly all civilizations and cultures, both ancient and modern, human beings have created religions or faith systems and within the context of these societies, these are seen as the “correct religion”. These systems of belief have always held great  →

The Value of Perception, Personal Philosophy and Inherent Optimism

Bulfinch wrote that the “creation of the world is a problem naturally fitted to excite the liveliest interest of man” (n.p.). Once humans have solved the “problem” of the creation of the world, though, there remains still another problem that  →

How Personality and Behavior Influence Psychology

Most people have experienced the phenomenon of attempting to change a negative behavior or habit and finding that change process difficult. Anyone who has made a resolution to stop smoking or to exercise daily, for example, knows first-hand how challenging the process  →

Treating Obsessive Compulsive Disorder : Psychotherapy vs. Pharmacological Treatment

One of the ongoing debates in the field of mental health and psychology treatment involves making a definitive determination about the best course of treatment for patients with diagnosed mental illnesses, which include clinical depression and other disorders. Arriving at such a  →

Date Rape, Risk Factors and Reporting

The purpose of this topical examination is to explore occurrences of acquaintance or date rape on college campuses and to connect instances of this crime to the use of alcohol by students.  In addition to making this connection, related issues  →