Today's Date:
March 10, 2025

Case Studies in Social Deviance : Deviant Behavior in Societal Context

Unfortunately, there are no shortages of examples in our social environment for studying the phenomenon of deviant behavior. Examples from the several years alone include acts of violence with minimal and great consequences; 9/11, the shooting at Virginia Tech University  →

Ferguson vs. Georgia Supreme Court Case By Sasha Safonova

1960 – Ferguson, convicted of murder and sentenced to death, appealed to the Supreme Court of the State Georgia on the premise of challenging the validity of the section §38-415 under the Constitution of the Unites States of America. In  →

The Genetics of Eye Color

The study of genetics gives mankind insight on who we are, why we look the way we do, and why we are predisposed to certain diseases, actions, and temperament. Our genes make us who we are, each of individual and  →

The Human Impact on the Galapagos Islands

The Galapagos Islands, situated several hundred miles off the coast of the South American country Ecuador, are an ecological treasure with an amazing level of biodiversity. The Galapagos are comprised of 13 large islands, six small islands, and 40 islets that  →

A hypothetical case at DWI

When the Honorable Justice Potter Stewart wrote that “there is a big difference between what we have the right to do and what is right” he was referring to the fact that both as individuals and members of organizations, there  →

Chinese Clothing Imports

Chapter Three Research Design and Methods Introduction In this chapter, the researcher will present the methodological framework and research design that were used to answer the two research main guiding research questions that guided the study: 1) What is the  →

Different Perspectives and Ideas About Genetic Engineering and Genetic Technology

One of the most productive and controversial areas of scientific research today involves the study of the genetic code of humans, other animals, and plants. The field of genetics is exciting and fascinating, producing both compelling possibilities for health and  →

An Extended Definition of Strategic Systems for IT Management

Strategic systems are developed in response to critical issues that need addressed, based on to organization’s structure and technological needs, in terms of systems development. Every organization has different needs in terms of the use of and access to information  →

The Shifting State of the Dot Com and the Future of Internet Commerce

The future of dot coms is the subject of heated debate and the harsh lessons learned in the wake of the “bubble burst” several years ago still are rather fresh wounds for developers, economists, retailers, and just about anyone who  →

The Influence of Astronomy and Adaptive Optics Technologies on the Way We See the World

In a field that is as specialized as astronomy, the implications of the work of professionals within the discipline are often obscured from members of the general public, who may not readily identify the relevance of what happens in the  →