Today's Date:
March 10, 2025

Parent Responsibility for Children’s Crimes : A Legal and Ethical Discussion

As violence by juveniles has increased in recent years, the debate about parents’ legal responsibility for children’s behavior has escalated in many social research and public circles as well as within institutions, including the vast childrens’ services complex. Advocates of  →

Vulnerability and Victimization Among the Elderly: Fear Versus Facts

The purpose and objective of this analysis of crime and the elderly is to prove, through a review and analysis of recent research literature from the field of criminal justice, that while elderly people tend to consider themselves particularly vulnerable to becoming victims of  →

Elements of Judicial Decision-Making : How Judges Ideally Make Decisions

In an ideal judicial system, decision-making should occur as the result of the adherence to clear legal and ethical standards, the careful evaluation of any cases in which precedents were established, an assiduous interpretation of the law, and thorough consideration  →

Legal Case Study of Sarah Crone v. United States Parcel Service (2002) : Implications for Employers and Sex Discrimination

As demonstrated in this legal case analysis of Sarah Crone versus the United States Parcel Service (UPS) from 2002, sex discrimination lawsuits can often involve a number of factors and leave a number of elements in conjecture. What women can  →

Overview of California Senate Bill SB 840 (CHIRA)

California Senate Bill SB 840, also known as the California Health Insurance Reliability Act (CHIRA), was authored by California Democratic Senator Sheila Kuehl and was introduced to the state Senate in February, 2005, and was passed by the legislature, but  →

Evaluating Colorado’s Statute Changes: Criticism and Praise

In terms of actual numbers, the 1996 statute changes did have a significant impact on the phenomena related to violent crimes among adolescents. The changes have attracted outspoken criticism, however. According to Berman, “among [Colorado] juveniles sentenced to life since  →

Implications for the Sentencing Phase of Juveniles Tried as Adults

In terms of sentencing, despite the articulated preference for rehabilitation-oriented alternatives, the revisions to the Children’s Code that occurred in 1996 set clear guidelines for sentencing adolescents who were convicted as adults for their crimes (Jarrett & Peters 1). In  →

Transforming the Law: Radical Reforms in Juvenile Justice Processes

The bill H.R. 96 1005 summarized the reforms supported by the Legislative Oversight Committee; when it was passed into law, it contained additional elements, including “ a 1-year mandatory parole period, remov[al] [of] the cap on restitution for parents of  →

Trying Juveniles as Adults : Case Study of Colorado’s Stance on Juvenile Offenders: The Changes Made in the Children’s Code and Their Impact on Criminal Justice

In 1993, at the height of national concern over the perceived epidemic of violent and criminal behavior among juveniles, Colorado’s Governor Roy Romer called upon state officials and juvenile and criminal justice experts to study the various phenomena that were  →

Trying Juveniles as Adults : A Case Study of Colorado Juvenile Justice

The argument about whether or not we should have a system where our juveniles are tried as adults creates a great deal of uproar across political and social lines. The United States is considered to have one of the most  →