Today's Date:
March 10, 2025

How To Reduce Your Risk of Heart Disease

Did you know that heart disease kills more Americans then cancer and HIV combined? Heart disease is a silent killer that affects more then 60 million Americans and that number is growing. 1 in every 5 Americans suffer from some  →

Dealing With Chronic Hypertension: The Silent Killer

Many of us have chronically high blood pressure, yet do little or nothing to alleviate it, until it’s too late. Chronic hypertension is a silent but deadly killer that is often undertreated at great cost to patients and their families.  →

A Personal Experience with Poison Ivy in the Eyes : Yes, It’s as Bad as it Sounds

Having poison ivy in the eyes is one of the worst, most torturous feelings imaginable and aside from the sheer misery of having itchy poison ivy in the eyes, it lasts for quite a long time, up to a week  →

Super Lice : Kill Resistant Lice Offer Few Treatments

Super Lice are here and they’re ready to latch onto your schoolchildren’s head and plow away at their scalps and guess what? There’s nothing you can do about it. At least not yet. Super lice cannot be killed by the  →

The Miracle of Pedialyte : Hangovers, Pets, and More

There are several articles that discuss the benefits and other issues related to electrolytes and recovery, Pedialyte ingredients and chemistry, and issues with making your own electrolyte solution similar to Pedialyte on this site that you might want to check out as well. While Pedialyte is great  →

What Ingredients Make Pedialyte and Similar Drinks Effective?

The ingredients in Pedialyte are obviously very gentle and delicately balanced as Pedialyte and related brands are recommended in large quantities for children (and adults, for that matter) who have been suffering from symptoms of flu, especially diarrhea and vomiting.  →

The Problem With Making Your Own Pedialyte : A Warning

Pedialyte and other drinks to rehydrate children are incredibly expensive, especially when you consider that the ingredients in these drinks are quite simple and do not involve any complex scientific processes to manufacture. In essence, these drinks only contain simple  →

What Are Electrolytes and Why Are They Important to the Body and Health?

Chances are, the only time you really hear about electrolytes is when you see commercials about sports drinks like Gatorade or about drinks to prevent dehydration in children such as Pedialyte. Electrolytes are not often discussed outside of topics that  →

The Fragmentation of the Healthcare Profession

The fragmentation of the health profession into various specialized splinter groups is cause for celebration among some practitioners and patients, and cause for growing concern among others. Regardless of one’s opinion about the fragmentation of the health profession, however, it  →

Palliative Care : An Examination of Theory and Practice

Under normal circumstances, nursing, especially as it relates to the theory and practice of palliative care, is a demanding profession that requires not only information, knowledge, and skills, but also emotional and cultural competence in working with a diverse population  →