Today's Date:
March 09, 2025

Five Horror Movies You Must See This Halloween Season

Every Halloween season people clamor to try to find a scary movie for the Halloween heebie jeebies. With the current state of horror movies, this can often be an exercise in futility.  Scary horror movies can be a great release  →

Reflections on a Night Spent Watching Intervention on A&E On Demand

Okay, so I didn’t just sit and watch one or two episodes of “Intervention” on A&E on Demand. Oh no. In the true spirit of the show, I got addicted and watched every episode available and greedily searched for more.  →

Six Spam Email Messages That Annoy Me the Most

We all get them….Open up your inbox each day and you will see scads of worthless junk mail, otherwise known as “spam.”  Their content consists of over-inflated information, sent out by folks trying to sell you something, con you out  →

Proper Etiquette for Bringing a Friend Along

How do you feel when you invite someone over and he/she brings along others without asking? Some people have the attitude that more is merrier. They don’t mind if a friend brings other friends. Not everyone feels that way though.  →

The Fine Line Between Confidence and Arrogance

Confidence is a good thing right? People are always encouraging us to have confidence in ourselves. You’ve probably heard that if you have confidence in yourself others will have confidence in you also. But the question is whether you are  →

How to Prepare Daily for the Trials of a “People” Oriented Job Like Customer Service

Now that you have made your decision, you have the job and you are ready to begin working in “Customer Service”, have you reviewed your am I job ready checklist? Are you mentally and emotionally prepared to handle the unique  →

A Year of Wacky, Wicked Holidays You Never Celebrated

We all love holidays, because they allow us to celebrate and make merry.  Who doesn’t want a good excuse to overindulge and act like an idiot under the guise of honoring something or someone? For those who are disappointed in the  →

A Societal Look at How the Elderly are Viewed by Today’s Youth

Have you ever wondered what young people will think of you as you grow older? I was given some insight into this question the other day when I overheard part of a conversation between two young men. The one said  →

Reasons to Pack a Lunch Versus Buying

There are many people who decide to pack a lunch each day. If you work, go to school or do other activities outside of your home this may be a regular routine for you each day. Packing a lunch can  →

Jealousy and What it Indicates About the Inner State of Mind

Jealousy doesn’t just occur in romantic relationships. It can pertain to any aspect of life. A person can be jealous of a friend, co-worker or partner. You may find yourself being jealous of someone’s material possessions, happiness, lifestyle or talent.  →