Today's Date:
March 09, 2025

Types of Workplace Sexual Harassment : Verbal, Physical, Quid Pro Quo and Reasonable Person Standard

When offering a full definiton of sexual harassment in the context of the workplace, there are few elements of any discussion that are cut and dry. There are several distinctions made bewteen the types of sexual harassment that are used and therefore  →

A List of Not So Obvious Things Every Employer Should Know About Sexual Harassment at Work

Addressing the important matter of sexual harassment in their organization should be an absolute priority in the training and policy directions managers and leaders take. The stakes for employers who do not address these issues are quite high and can lead to  →

Top Seven Things We Learned From The Fake Bigfoot Hoax

Recently, Bigfoot believers everywhere waited with baited breath to see what was in that ice chest that looked remarkably like a Bigfoot.  What else could it be?  Was it a real Bigfoot?  Were there more Bigfoots in the area?  Everyone  →

Childproofing Checklist : A List of Often Overlooked Details

We all know that when we have toddlers or when we have toddlers in our homes frequently, we need to childproof our home.   At first, this seems like an easy enough task.  You know to keep the breakables out of  →

10 Tips to Make Moving Easier on Your Children

Moving can be hard on a family, even though the move may mean more money, more possibilities, a bigger and better home and community.  It can especially be hard on children. Each child in a family can be different and  →

How to Have a Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Birthday Party

Children love sweets and your child is no exception to the rule.  Growing up we watched Gene Wilder’s version of Willy Wonka and the tiny Umpa Lumpas and now with Tim Burton’s new version of the movie “Charlie and the  →

Keeping Your Kids Germ Free at the Playground

Germs are a given in the world of preschoolers, and anything we can do to prevent the sharing of germs helps.  One of the most germ infested areas of a child’s world is the playground.  Playgrounds are often overlooked, and  →

Why Family Dining Is So Important?

Historically, in many Asian and European cultures, family dining was the heart of the households communication. Around family tables, many problems were resolved, laughter shared and wisdom was passed down, along with the heaping platters of food created with love and respect for  →

What Counts as Cheating in a Relationship?

Relationships can be complex and complicated but they don’t have to be that way. One mistake can turn a relationship upside down. This is what happens when one partner cheats on the other. In the long run it isn’t worth it. But  →

How to Avoid Post-Partum Depression

Postpartum Depression is one of the fastest growing forms of depression in the world. Some mothers have trouble with the postpartum time period, and fall into a very deep depression.  One of the biggest triggers of postpartum depression is being alone  →