Today's Date:
March 09, 2025

Tips for Serving Soup as a Main Dish at a Dinner Party

Serving soup as the main dish at a dinner party or for a large party of guests is a rather unorthodox choice and may make people wonder, but the decision to serve soup as a main course is a bold decision that  →

Mini-Guide to a Vegetarian Lifestyle

There are many benefits to a vegetarian diet but remember, it is a lifestyle choice.  No amount of pressure or bullying should affect any decision you make, including what you eat. The benefits are health and ethical related. Where health  →

How the Rachel Ray Show on Food Network is Changing Everyday Cooking in America

Many years ago, long before the advent of Food Network and its heroes such as Rachel Ray, among other cooking talents, cooking shows were mostly relegated to PBS and perhaps a few local television stations. Moreover, this older style of  →

Pulsed Electric Fields (PEFs) Zap Milk and Create Healthier and Potentially Safer Dairy and Food Products

Researchers have begun extensive testing of the use of pulsed electric fields (PEFs) to control the number of harmful bacteria and other pathogens in milk and other food products that require pasteurization and sterilization to meet public health codes. While  →

Coke Versus Pepsi : Differences in Cultural History Rather than Taste

For many years, Coca Cola and Pepsi have enjoyed the position as the two most enjoyed soft drinks in the USA, as they have maintained their popularity over the past several decades. One can divide soft drink fans into two  →

Important Reasons to Keep your Trees Trimmed

If you are one of the many homes with large trees or trees that have grown out of control, it may be time to have them trimmed. The trees in your yard can add beauty to your home but can  →

Analysis and Review of The Words by Marie Cardina

The “Thing” the narrator refers to in Marie Cardinal’s The Words to say it is not an actual physical presence or the blood itself, rather it is the manifestation of halted urges. The “Thing” is the narrator’s constant desire to  →

Choosing the Right Carpet Color For Your Home

Thinking about changing the carpet in your home or even purchasing carpet for the first time in your home. Maybe its a little confusing as to what color you need to choose. Carpet is an investment. It’s not something you  →

Landscaping Ideas for your Home

The landscaping around you home should look attractive and compliment the appearance of your home. There are many ways that you can change your landscaping to make your home and yard look its best. Many people choose to plant trees  →

Decorating the Front Porch of your Home

The front porch on your home is one of the first things people see when they come to visit. Your front porch can make a big impression on all that come to your home. When decorating your front porch you  →