If you’re just beginning to venture into the wonderful world of composting toilets and are looking for a composting toilet alternative that is incredibly easy and great for the environment, a tree bog might be your best bet. The benefits of using tree bogs are endless and tree bogs and green toilet systems in general are gaining an increased amount of attention lately as awareness of sustainability issues, the environment, and ggreen living are being promoted and more widely understood. The benefits of using a tree bog instead of a regular water toilet are numerous and for those who want a great outdoor alternative to toilet facilities that promotes the natural beauty of your property while safely and effectively managing human waste in a natural environment, creating a tree bog is an easy, inexpensive, and perfect solution.

A Brief List of Some Benefits of a Tree Bog

  • First and foremost, by having your own tree bog, you are breaking free from the cycle of complete water waste that so many of us rely on with our traditional water-using toilets. Regular toilets flush incredible amounts of perfectly clean water with them and are then even further soiled in waste water collection sites. This disgusting matter is then treated using many harmful chemicals to make it “pure” again, only so the wasteful process can be repeated again and more chemicals from water treatement become part of our environment. Water toilets use an incredible amount of our water resources and the chemical required at water treatment plants are another story entirely. You are doing your water bill and the environment a big favor and this is one of the benefits of using a tree bog that is overarching and something you can feel good about for the long term.


  • Unlike with some other composing toilets, there is no need to ever touch any of your, shall we say, waste byproducts, at any point in the composting cycle. You let the plants and trees you’ve assigned do all the work for you. There might be occasions that you will need to do a bit of mashing (that’s the only way to put it, sorry) to clear room and level the surface, but this is only required on occasions that are few and far between. If only a couple of people are regularly using your tree bog, this should never be required.


  • You are creating a wonderful rich jungle of plants that thrive on organic material and that offer shade, a great source of decorative wood, and that will remain long after your tree bog falls away. Many people are very fond of willows, which are most often used for tree bogs, but most people do not grow them in their yards because they have a tendency to wrap around underground pipes and squeeze them, causing significant, expensive damage. Willows are beautiful and so are the range of other interesting plants you can cultivate that are most likely to thrive on your waste. In short, by creating a tree bog, you are not only helping the environment on a large scale, but the environment that exists in your yard as well.
  • It is all but free! It is easy to make your own tree bog out of materials you probably have around the house and is an excellent use for an old chair that you like a lot and can’t bear to part with, even though you don’t want it at your dining table. Expect the process of making your own tree bog to take a few days and take care to make it last using good materials. Remember, even if you do have to go out and buy some wood or any other materials, compare what you’re spending (maybe $10) to months of wasteful water bills based on wasteful water practices.
  • Many people make their tree bog works of art using the natural features of the willow and other plants to form around it. While this may sound a bit strange to some, once you see for yourself how amazing it is to watch plants grow based on the nutrients in your waste, you will want to spend time marveling at what you’ve created.

There are many benefits to using a tree bog as an outdoor toilet and despite what many think, it is not a “gross” hole where your waste collects and in fact, it generally is not incredibly smelly or otherwise undesirable. While it probably does take someone with a predisposition of being an “outdoorsy” type to use a tree bog regularly, the disadvantages of using a tree bog are slim and the concerns produced by them are negligible. The fact is, if you are willing to do the right thing for the environment and you appreciate the composting process and what it yields, you will be glad you made the decision to explore the benefits of using a tree bog instead of the water-consuming indoor toilet. Yes, there can be some funk associated with a tree bog but this is a factor that can be easily mitigated with the use of sawdust or dirt and that aspect, aside from the possibility of a spider lurking under your seat, are about all the woes you need to have in terms of possible problems with a tree bog.

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