Gawain embodies many of the characteristics of the chivalric knight and hero, among them, modesty, honesty, commitment, courage, and an even temperament. He also engages in the activities that define heroes: a journey, a challenge, and the proof of his worth. Although he is almost beyond reproach, he does commit a single error, and it is this mistake that serves as the incident around which the lesson of the tale is developed. Because Sir Gawain is so concerned with maintaining his reputation and image as a chivalrous knight, he tells a lie by omission to his host regarding the green girdle that belongs to the host’s wife. This lie, once it is revealed, becomes the means by which the mild hubris that afflicts Gawain is exposed and also the means by which the hubris can be corrected. Gawain never loses his appeal; in fact while the lie is not really serious, he is incredibly devoted to repenting for it, which only increases his heroic stature in front of the reader.
Beowulf is the ideal hero and king. From an early age, he has proven his worthiness to carry both of these labels, and in this epic tale the reader is able to review his entire heroic life history to see how he rose to prominence. What is especially interesting is that the way in which the tale is structured and narrated permits the reader to observe two different types of heroism: the heroism of youth and the heroism of an older, wiser, and more mature warrior. In his youth, the physical characteristics of heroism are emphasized. Beowulf is recalled as having performed physical feats that no other man was capable of doing, and such feats required immense reserves of courage. In his older age the feats of heroism are more subtle, more abstract, and one might question his decision to battle one final time, resulting in his death wound and his people’s loss of their king. However, the code of the hero compelled Beowulf to defend his people one final time; he seemed to trust that a younger hero-warrior would rise to the occasion should death befall him, as it did.
Although the settings, characters, and plots of “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “Beowulf” are different, the key themes of each of these works are quite similar. In both tales, the reader meets a central heroic figure who is endowed with intellectual, physical, and psychological prowess that equip him for the task of confronting significant challenges to his authority and the people in his charge, thereby provoking the reader to consider the themes of heroism and the epic journey, as well as the theme of the constant battle between good and evil. By comparing and contrasting these two works, the reader can come to a fuller understanding of the importance of these subjects as enduring themes in literature throughout the ages. Beowulf and Sir Gawain are presented by their respective authors as ideal character types whose behavior should be emulated in order to advance society. Even—and especially—their minor flaws teach important lessons. These heroes must be constantly alert to potential threats caused by evil forces who wish to do them harm and create social disorder.
In “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,” the reader meets a heroic figure who embodies all of the ideal qualities of a chivalrous knight. Sir Gawain is cordial, mannerly, brave, and smart. At the same time, though, he is always aspiring to a higher position and thus seeks to protect and elevate his reputation while affecting an air of modesty. While not false modesty, Sir Gawain hides some of the more base aspects of himself, including his sexual passion. It is this passion that gets him in trouble and knocks him down a peg, leaving him feeling chastened. Although the reader can hardly find fault with Sir Gawain, his story is told as a kind of cautionary tale to the reader, who seems to be advised to avoid hubris, even in the smallest of doses. While there are never any real physical threats in Sir Gawain, the author alludes that the threats to one’s moral character are as serious as any physical danger, and that as such, one must wage his or her own constant battle against those forces that wish to lead one astray.
In “Beowulf,” the hero-king is faced with challenges that are both physical and moral, both threatening his life. Like Sir Gawain, Beowulf has all the requisite characteristics of a hero and like Sir Gawain, he is invested in protecting his reputation. Beowulf does not know when to stop fighting; even in old age he is still waging the morally just fight against evil forces, suggesting to the reader that the struggle to maintain one’s identity is lifelong. The fight against evil never ends; however, what the author of “Beowulf” may be suggesting is that by passing the torch on to the next generation, the continuity of the fight is maintained and lessons are shared. As we mature, “Beowulf” suggests, we begin to relinquish our fight and teach the younger members of society to carry on the struggle for good in the face of evil. While the types of scenes in “Sir Gawain and the Green Knight” and “Beowulf” are dramatic, the lessons remain relevant today in contemporary society.