Do you want to get in shape by taking a fitness class but ever class you look into doesn’t seem like any fun? Why not look for a fitness class that will not only give you the work out you need but also be something fun that you enjoy going to.

If you are like many other people fitness just doesn’t sound like any fun. Who wants to get hot and sweat then feel the pain the next day because you have used muscles you haven’t used in years? Let’s face it though the world has become so unfit and out of shape that it has become a real issue. So why not try to find fitness classes that could actually be fun and enjoyable along with helping you get into shape? Do you think those are impossible to find?  Well your wrong, here is a list of fitness classes that will be fun and you will love them if you just give them a try.

Belly Dancing

This class is great for people of all levels of fitness. Belly dancing is a fun and easy fitness class that will work the abdominal muscles and several other muscles. This is a great class for couples and people with children 7years and up who would like to take a class together.

Swimming classes

Swimming can be great fitness classes for anyone. In these classes you will learn new swimming strokes and be able to use them in the pool during class time. This is another class that can be taken at several different fitness levels and swimming abilities. This class is great for couples, friends and children/parent classes.


Yoga is one of those fitness classes that you can find in a variety of forms. You can do yoga in a fitness center with yoga mats or you can also take a water yoga class. Regular yoga classes that are take in a fitness center with mats helps to calm your mind, enhance muscle strength, increase your balance and stability. With water yoga you will get the same benefits but there is more stability involved.


Yes there really are fitness classes for dodgeball! Think back to when you were younger and you played dodgeball in school, how much fun was that? Why not experience that fun all over again while getting your workout in? Dodgeball classes offer you the time to run and play hard so there is a lot of fun involved while still getting your muscles moving and your heart rate up. Dodgeball can also be a great way to relieve your stress.

Martial arts

Martial arts fitness classes have a lot of different benefits such as building muscles, building strength, stability and movement. Martial arts classes also give you discipline and focus. Martial arts classes are great for anyone, no matter your age. Many fitness centers offer classes that the entire family can take together.

So there you have it, five fun fitness classes that anyone one can do. There are no excuses now you need to just get up off the couch and register for a fitness class. Get in shape and have fun at the same time! '